Category: Art Lessons

  • Art Lesson: R is for Rabbit!

    Drawing through the Alphabet R is for Rabbit. Of course we read the classic book Peter Rabbit. A favorite among many children. We also learned about Rabbits. They come in many different colors. Black brown spotted and white. Some are pets and some are wild. Pet Rabbits are usually called Bunny Rabbits. Hares are related…

  • Drawing Lesson: Cadie from Canada Cheng from China.

    I love drawing through Geography because of the experience kids get to learn about and draw other kids around the world! This lesson was about Cadie from Canada and Cheng from China. Here is a cute video clip of a little boy teaching chinese. I posted this to my facebook page for parents to show…

  • Drawing Lesson: Water Dragons!

    This week we drew Water Dragons! It reminds me of the Movie How to Train your Dragon, which was posted on my Facebook page before hand so the parents could show the kids and get them excited about weeks lessons! The Water Dragon is exciting. I think every kid would love to take a ride…