Monthly Update: July Happenings

Well here we are in the middle of Summer. We have done some awesome Projects this month.

I have decided to post one picture from every lesson to give an example. You can see more pictures and stay updated on our Facebook pagePhoto Jul 23, 6 18 08 PM

These few lessons were from our Drawing through the Alphabet Curriculum And the Drawing through Geography Curriculum. Each lesson has an academic component. Children learn about the subject they are drawing as well as the Phonetic sound the Subject starts with.

Alice from Africa and Art From America. This lesson involved Drawing Through Geography Curriculum. Children also were challenged to draw human form and practiced their ‘coloring in’ skills.

T is for Tiger. Drawing through the Alphabet Curriculum.  Children Learned that there are white Tigers and Orange Tigers. Many of the tigers in this lesson were hiding in the grass to get out of the rain. This was an idea that caught on and the kids ran with it. Sometimes there tends to be a theme that the kids decide on in during the lesson. It keeps things creative and interesting.

A is for Apple Drawing through the Alphabet Curriculum. Children were taught how to draw from life in oil Pastel. They each were given an apple, one green one yellow and one red. We observed how the green apple is  shaded with Red, the yellow apple with Red and the red apple with yellow. Confused? Ha they did great.

F is for Frog Drawing through the Alphabet Curriculum.
Children loved this lesson. We learned about frogs and then we read a book about Harry the hungry frog.
Harry looks for all kinds of bugs to eat but in the end he finds a picnic instead and everyone is happy.
Children each got to choose a few bugs to put into their picture. At the end of the lesson they all practiced their frog hopping. We all had a great time!

(Click for Larger Image)

Sea Turtle  This lesson involved learning about the life cycle of the Turtle. How they are born, make it to sea and survive. For most of the Children this was their first lesson in shading. They learned how to shade with a pencil use a tortillon blending stump, and a kneaded eraser.

Ocelot This is an amazing and beautiful animal. I love how all these drawings turned out. I think the students had a great time as well. This lesson involved learning about the Ocelot, The ocelot is similar in appearance to a domestic cat. Its fur resembles that of a clouded leopard or jaguar and was once regarded as particularly valuable. Many were killed for their fur, thus it has become endangered. 
Lesson taught how to shade and find patterns in the fur.

Giraffe Giraffe. Lesson involved learning how to draw the patterns on the Giraffes body. They are beautiful animals that have very unique markings and body features. Children also Learned about the habitat of the Giraffe and its effect on the other animals of the Safari.

Daylily FlowersDrawing from still life. Students were given a choice of flowers. These students chose the Daylily flower. They learned how to “See” a subject and put it onto paper. The Pictures were painted with the watercolor paint and then shaded with watercolor pencils. 

(Click for larger Image)

 Photo Jul 09, 5 34 35 PMPhoto Jul 24, 6 51 22 PM




Kindred Art Facebook Page

Check out our Facebook Page to see more of the drawings and to keep up to date on more of the happenings at Kindred Art Studio!

Another update to the Facebook page is the opportunity for Children to learn a little more about the subject they will be learning about.

Each week I will be posting some sort of video clip for the upcoming lesson. Parents can watch this clip of the Ocelot kittens, with their child in their home.
